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Forest Systems and Environmental Sciences

Tuition fee €2,800 per year

For the academic year 2024/2025 the tuition fees ranged from 156€ to 2.800€ per year, depending on the student’s financial situation.

For more information on the tuition fees for the a.y. 2025/2026, please refer to the dedicated webpage on our University portal. At the same page you’ll also be able to verify if you are eligible for a fee reduction or exemption.

Application fee €60 one-time

The application fee has to be paid within the deadline of each call. The amount of the application fee is the same whether you decide to apply for one or two degree programmes. This amount is not refundable.


The Master Science Degree Course in Forest Systems and Environmental Sciences provides the cultural, technical, scientific and organizational tools to operate autonomously in the framework of analytical, planning, decision-making and managerial tasks in the field of forest systems, environment and land management, which are caracterized by a high level of biological, structural and socio-economical complexity.

The Master Science Degree Course is not organized in curricula, but three main fields (orientamenti) are foreseen:

- Urban and peri-urban forest systems
- Sustainable management of forests and mountain territories
- Environment and mitigation of global change

The MSc degree course lasts two years (4 semesters). The first year includes mandatory courses aimed at providing technical and cultural skills typical for professionals in the field of forest and environmental sciences and useful to conduct professional consultancy. These courses are in the field of economy, forest and environmental law, forests and environment, forest engineering and planning, and land management. Mandatory courses for each of the three main fields are offered in the second and third semesters.

The MSc degree course also includes optional courses addressing subjects complementary to the main fields. Subjects include: nursery techniques, soil bio-engineering, politics for the environment, forest certifications, biodiversity monitoring and management, tools for the mitigation of climate change, sustainable management of alpine farming systems, etc. Additional ECTS should be obtained through other optional courses offered by the MSc degree course.

Additional mandatory activities include a laboratory work organized for each of the main fields and a professional stage. The student will then defend a thesis (14 ECTS).

Career opportunities

The post graduated fellow can operate with technical and managerial responsibilities in public and private bodies dealing with forests, environment, plant and ecosystems protection, urban forestry, development agencies, wood and energy, forest products, certification and conservation of wood products. The post graduated fellow can also access to the PhD programs.